Treat others with respect.
- Do not harass any person on the server.
- If someone is harassing you, report it and do not harass them back. It is recommended you report or "/ignore" any player you have issues with.
- If you are ignored or blocked, please respect the other's wishes.
- Please use the official channels on Discord to create a ticket. A warning or ban may be issued for discussing your problems with the personnel in a public place. Disrespect will not be accepted.
Keep communications clean.
- This includes but is not limited to: no harassment, racism, excessive swearing, excessive sexual content, hate speech, discussing sensitive topics.
- Sexual content includes but is not limited to: Inappropriate usernames, builds, signage, content, skins, and renamed items.
- Sensitive topics includes but is not limited to: self-harm, politics, drug user, abuse.
- You are free to speak about anything if it stays in private chat and as long as the other party allows it.
- You are not allowed to /ignore staff members. This is because it makes moderation difficult.
Map Art
- All map art may only be built in the End dimension.
- Griefing in any capacity is not allowed. You may report a grief to a staff member for a rollback on our Discord server.
- This includes but is not limited to:
- Claimed land, unclaimed land, and revenge griefing.
- Resource worlds are the only exception. Land claiming is disabled in all Resource worlds, so anything is fair game. Do not build there...
- Claiming builds that are not yours (to purposefully antagonize a player or community).
- Spawning or luring animals/mobs near or on someone's land.
- Building unwanted structures around someone's land without the owner's consent.
- Mass destruction of the map is also considered griefing.
Cheating, Exploiting & Third-Party Clients
- Use of clients or any unfair game enhancement will result in a ban.
- This includes, but is not limited to:
- Using more than one alt per IP address.
- Auto fishing
- Auto clickers
- X-Ray
- Clients that gain access to information that is not publicly displayed (ie: world seed, server addons/plugins, etc).
- Allowed Clients/Mods
- Fullbright
- Lunar Client (No free cam)
- Litematica (No easy place or auto place functions)
- Mini-map, waypoints, or anything that displays information already known in the F3 menu
- No displaying cave layers (revealing things that you otherwise wouldn't be able to see)
- Performance enhancers/FPS boosts (such as Optifine).
- Any exploits that arise from bugs with any plugins or vanilla Minecraft features such as duping can not be used and must be reported. Rewards will be given based on severity.
Bypassing Server Features
Any attempt to bypass chat filters, restrictions, and/or plugins will result in a ban.
This includes but is not limited to:
- Spamming
- Advertising
- Names of other servers in chat.
- Bypassing item/chunk restrictions.
- Bypassing shop limits through other players.
- Using alternate accounts to bypass player limits.
Alternative Accounts
Using alternative accounts for the following, but not limited to, reasons is not allowed:
- Using alternative accounts to AFK farms/grinders.
- Using alternative accounts to break server rule(s).
- Using alternative accounts to abuse our reward system is strictly prohibited.
- Voting on them to give the keys/tokens to your main account.
- Being logged on to your alternative account to receive global rewards, such as when a community goal is hit, emerald, diamond, XP parties, etc.
Do not insinuate, encourage, or advertise the join of other servers, realms or worlds anywhere in the Vibe House network. If you are reported or suspected of doing so, you will be removed from our community.
This includes:
- Mention or insinuation of other communities, networks, and server names in chat.
- Comparing other servers to Vibe House SMP.
- Promotion of other Discord servers outside of Vibe House.
- Not reporting players who are advertising/chatting with players about said advertisement will be considered encouraging advertising and is against the rules.
- Posting external links or addresses to other servers. This includes in private messages in-game and on Discord.
Punishment Evading
If you have been banned from the network, any attempt to evade the punishment will result in all appeals being voided.
If you have been banned, the only way to be considered for an unban is through the appeal process on our Discord server.
Charge Backs
Any attempt to charge back on the donation store will result in a permanent removal from the entirety of the Vibe House community. This is clearly outlined in our Terms of Service that you agree to when making any purchases on our website/store.
This also includes:
- Speaking about charge backs in chat.
- Encouraging players to charge back.
Do not speak any language other than English in our game chat or Discord server. This is prohibited from all chat rooms and voice channels. Staff are unable to moderate and enforce rules in any language other than English.
What is allowed:
- Labeling chest/name items in other languages. However, if this is used as a method to speak to another player, or if the name scheme breaks any other rule then it is a ban-able offense.
Respect all staff members
Any form of direct or indirect disrespect towards the Vibe House servers/staff team will result in an immediate removal from the network. Please be kind and show respect to all members of the staff team and server.
Discussing Punishments
Any attempt to debate or dispute a punishment will result in a ban from the community. If you would like to appeal a punishment, please fill out an appeal form on our Discord server.
This includes:
- Having other players ask about your punishment on your behalf.
- Debating punishments
- Talking about punishments in chat
Do not attempt to hinder server performance
Any attempt to create lag machines or purposefully attempt to lag chunks will result in a ban from the Vibe House network. If you find an issue with lag, please report your findings in a ticket on the Discord server.
Keep It Clean
All forms of inappropriate behavior are against the rules. If you think it's questionable, it most likely isn't allowed. We like to keep the Vibe House community and servers safe and family friendly.
What is allowed:
- Use of swear words is allowed but do not use them excessively.
Rules are subject to change and will be enforced as administration see fit. To keep up to date on rule changes, please refer to #announcements and #change-log in our Discord server.